Bob Stromberg at SCORRE

All my life, I thought I understood the best way to construct a message.  I was a high-school speech contestant, a corporate trainer, a seasoned sales leader.  I thought I really understood the most key aspects of putting together a message.   Until now…

Last week, I had the chance to attend the SCORRE Conference in Orlando, Florida.  The event brings together professional and would-be speakers from around the world to learn the methods pioneered by Ken Davis over 30 years ago.  In fact, this year’s event celebrates the 30th anniversary of the conference.

The key elements of SCORRE are deceptively simple, but very empowering.  Let me share the basic components:

Subject – What am I going to be talking about?

Central Theme – What are of that subject am I going to focus on?

Objective Statement – What am I looking to enable or persuade my audience to do?

Rationale – What reasons am I going to use to support my objective statement?

Resources – What illustrations, stories, statistics, etc. would help add “punch” to the rationale?

Evaluation – How did I do with everything?  Did I serve the audience effectively in my communication?

Again, none of these elements are earth-shattering as individually components, but together they are uniquely robust in making you more potent in delivering your message.  If you can’t attend the SCORRE Conference, at least make the investment in Ken’s book.